I'm thankful for ....
A beautiful baby boy who loves to rest on his Mommy.
A beautiful daughter who loves being a ballerina.
A curious son who loves to learn so much that he needs more hours in the day.
A husband who works hard to provide for our family.
A house big enough for our family to grow.
A next door neighbor who acts more like a sister.
My faith in God.
Modern Medicine.
Kick A$$ medical insurance.

I'm trying to list what I'm thankful for as I sit here worrying over things I should leave to higher powers. I really am thankful for everything. We have the means to follow up on our concerns when we and/or our children are not acting "right". As of now L has reflux and is on his second medication and third formula. He is also being tested for breathing issues possibly due to micrognathia. I came home this evening and didn't worry about it.. and now I'm sitting here an hour after researching it on google and I'm afraid to go to sleep. I really am grateful that we will have more answers tomorrow and Monday. Because if I don't get the answers we need by then, I will find someone else who will help me keep my baby safe and healthy.

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1 thoughts:

    Anonymous said...

    Thinking about you and L =)

    I love the new design on your blog. It rocks.

    Getting married tomorrow!

  1. ... on 8:01 AM